Rožňava    Google Map

    Rožňava is the biggest and the most important town of the northern Gemer region. Since 1776 it has been a seat of the local diocese. Originally it was an important center of mining industry with important royal rights. In its center of an extensive square shape, there are remarkable historical buildings. In the town there you can also find a few interesting churches.
    An Episcopal cathedral (originally a church) is a monumental gothic building with nice arches and baroque interior. The most precious is the board painting of St. Anna Samotretia (Metercia) from the year 1513. In the background of the painting you can notice pictures of all kinds of mining works - starting with measuring of a mining field and ending with ore transport. You can notice also a stone pastophorium from 1507.
    Close to the church there is a classicistic building of a city hospital. Between the houses in the city center there is a Franciscan monastery and a church, both with a baroque interior.
    In the middle of the square there is a city tower, the remains of the original town-hall. Close to it there is a Jesuit church from the middle of the 17-th century. Interesting fact is that it was built by the Protestants for the Jesuits. A memorial of Františka Andrássy dominates the central square. The today’s town-hall is in the building from the year 1711.
    A baroque-classicistic Episcopal residency is from the 18-th century. In front of it there is a baroque commemorative column of plague. Evangelic church from the end of the 18-th century and secession church from 1904-1905 are situated outside the central square.
    In the secession building from 1910 there is a remarkable Mining Museum with the expositions of geology, natural science, mining and metallurgical industry.
    Silicka Plain which is a part of the National Park of the Slovak Karst (Slovenský kras) is situated southwards of the town Rožňava. Tourist trails heading to the north end in the Volovské Hills (Volovské vrchy).



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